Northampton's first dragon boat racing team
paddles together to unleash fierce joy
and strength in cancer survivors
and supporters of all ages.  

We are cancer survivors, women and men of all ages. We are living with the heavy weight and experiences of a cancer diagnosis. We are bonded by our will to be strong, powerful athletes, not just cancer survivors. We share a strong energy that drives the team. Come join Paradise City Dragon Boat, a place where teammates become friends and family. We honor who you are, at any fitness level and wherever you are on your cancer journey. Be part of a team where survivors exhibit vulnerability, grace and strength in the fight to take back our bodies, our spirits and our power over cancer. We work hard for each other and for something bigger than ourselves. 

 You don’t need to walk the cancer path alone. There’s a seat in the boat waiting for you.


“Belonging to this team has been life-changing for me. I feel more in control and confident. If my cancer comes back, I’ll have a better ability to handle it.”

– Rachel


“I appreciate that our focus is not always on talking about cancer, but rather on doing something. We’re active and engaged in serious competitive sport as an awesome team of paddlers.” 

– Paula


“The water is such a healing part of my journey. Pulling hard pushes my worries, tears and sadness down the river. Each stroke is cleansing, bringing me to fresh new beginnings.”

– Lisa


“I have cancer, but it is not going to take me.”

— Karen

Watch our video “Paddle Together”

Read the article by Caroline Tien: How Dragon Boat Racing Gave Breast Cancer Survivors Back Their Bodies